Here are the top MMO and MMORPGs you can play right now, from Eve Online and World of Warcraft to Neverwinter and Final Fantasy 14.

Here are our top picks for the best MMORPG:

Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online had a visual makeover in 2018 to restore the original (and already stunning) MMO, giving it fresh vitality. It more than makes up for its lack of professional speech with one of the best character makers around and a stunning fantasy environment that you'll want to explore for hours. Just don't get too comfortable; there's a lot of battling and grinding, so if you're hoping for a leisurely MMO, this may not be the game for you. Because Black Desert Online isn't your typical MMO, it can be difficult to grasp the unique concepts, particularly how combat, trade, diplomacy, and resources function. If you wish to jump into this mmo, see our Black Desert Online codes instructions.

Play the Black Desert online free

Star Trek Fleet Command

People who aren't Star Trek fans are unlikely to play this game, but the main gameplay loop is enjoyable, and I recommend it even to those who aren't particularly familiar with the Star Trek universe. When you begin, you just have a single ship and a simple base, but when you dispatch your solitary vessel to perform various missions, you'll gain resources that will then enable you to expand your armada.Missions range from distributing goods to individuals in need to combating Borg cubes and responding to distress calls. There's a lot to do, with new missions appearing all the time, as well as a limitless number of ships and iconic Star Trek figures to unlock as officers. It's a vast cosmos with numerous gamers doing the same thing as you. Do you want to fight them? Or do you want to build alliances in the spirit of Star Fleet? Whatever you do, you will enter an interesting universe.

Play Star Trek Fleet Command for free.


Neverwinter is surprising. It is thematically based on Dungeons & Dragons, incorporating the tabletop game's locations, classes, spells, and powers into one of the best MMORPGs. It shouldn't function, but nevertheless it works. It helps that there is a genuine appreciation for the source material of D&D games, and each mission seems like one you could envision yourself taking on while seated around a table.

Many free additions, including new races and classes, have been released since Neverwinter's launch, transporting players away from the safety of Neverwinter to areas like Icewind Dale, where barbarians and uncomfortable temperatures are the least of your concerns.

Play Neverwinter for free.

Star Trek Fleet 

.People who aren't Star Trek enthusiasts are unlikely to play this game, but the main gameplay loop is enjoyable, and I recommend it even if you aren't really familiar with the Star Trek universe. When you first start, you just have one ship and a rudimentary base, but as you dispatch your solitary vessel to perform various missions, you'll collect resources that will allow you to build your fleet Missions range from providing assistance to individuals in need to combating Borg cubes and responding to distress calls. There's a lot to do, with new missions springing up all the time, as well as an unlimited number of ships and iconic Star Trek figures to unlock as officers. It's a large universe, and there are countless other players doing the same thing. Would you like to fight them? Do you want to form alliances in the spirit of Star Fleet? Whatever you do, you will be entering an interesting environment.

Play Star Trek Fleet Command for free.

Romans: Age of Caesar

Do you enjoy city-building in your MMOs? If so, you'll enjoy Romans: Age of Caesar, a game that challenges you to help rebuild the Roman Empire. You'll cooperate with up to 16 other people to develop and maintain a city. As you participate, many other groups of gamers will be working on their own cities, and you will all be part of a big, interconnected digital empire. Sometimes you'll need to fight to defend yourself from approaching barbarians, and other times you'll need to build trade routes in order to form partnerships with other cities. This game has a lot to offer, and it's simple to become immersed in its environment.

Play Romans: Age of Caesar for free.

Star Trek Online

Do you miss watching Star Trek on television? Star Trek Online can keep you going till the next season of Discovery on Paramount Plus. Each quest in this MMO is equivalent to one episode of the program, and each mission series represents an arc with the rare filler episode. Take a vacation to Risa, visit DS9 in Star Trek Online, land on worlds and practice diplomacy, or engage in intense space battles with Cardassians, Romulans, Borg, and whatever else is causing trouble. Space battles are tactical while taking place in real time, as it is critical to position your ship to maximize the effectiveness of your shooting arcs. Any away missions that deteriorate into battle, the game becomes a squad-based third-person shooter, replete with abilities cooldowns.

STO has developed into a vast, intriguing, and free MMO, as well as one of the best space games available; it is constantly expanded with massive updates that bring entirely new stories, and the neutral Romulan side just received unique objectives and ships. Speaking of ships, that is what distinguishes this game from other MMOs. You're not simply outfitting and leveling up a hero; you'll also be managing and customizing a crew and a starship.

Play Star Trek Online for free..


Looking to lose yourself in an MMO with a complex plot and a robust battle system? So, look no further than Wizard101. In this game, you play as a student in the Ravenwood School for Magical Arts, and you have to decide whether you want to enroll in the school for Fire, Ice, Storm, Myth, Life, Death, or Balance - each one will allow your character to learn and develop different magical abilities, all of which will drastically affect how you approach battles. You'll wind up going across the Spiral's fictional world, which, in classic video game form, includes locations ranging from snowy wonderlands to parched deserts and countless more landscapes.The game's plot revolves around you confronting the school's former necromancy teacher, Malistaire.. While at first, he might seem a bit of a generic evil wizard, you’ll soon find that his motivations are much more interesting.

Play Wizard101 for free.

Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn is a narrative of heartfelt redemption. When it was first released, it was not particularly good. In reality, it was dreadful. This prompted Square Enix to take dramatic measures, including firing the original team, hiring a new team, and completely remaking Final Fantasy 14. The consequence is A Realm Reborn. And it's good. It delivers on everything the series is known for: epic stories of good and evil clashing, diverse, painfully beautiful locations, over-the-top characters, flashy cutscenes, and an abundance of Chocobos. It is also clever: players have a great deal of freedom inside their FF14 classes.As soon as you reach level 10, you can switch to any of the game's eight combat classes by simply switching weapons. The upside is that players do not need to create alts to try out other roles.The Endwalker expansion introduces new jobs (the Reaper and Sage), locales, cases, and the much-anticipated male version of the Viera race. However, the tale takes center stage, wrapping up the events that began in A Realm Reborn. Few MMOs receive as many high-quality updates and expansions, so if you haven't played in a while, it's worth returning. If you want to understand more, read our FF14 Endwalker review. Check out our FF14 leveling guide if you're new to the JRPG game.

Throne and Liberty

Throne and Liberty, NCSoft's free-to-play multiplatform game, is arguably the biggest MMORPG of 2024. Set in the realm of Solisium, your mission is to defeat the main villain who intends to enslave everyone in her pursuit of power. This mythological world's unique inhabitants can transform into creatures, allowing you to roam the globe as a formidable ogre or fly like a gorgeous bird. Throne and Liberty has various battle passes that unlock in-game goodies, and thankfully none of them are pay-to-win. If you want to upgrade your character, we have several Throne and Liberty codes, as well as a list of the greatest weaponry in the game to help you do so.

Once Human

Once Human is a future survival crafting game with enormous foes, an open world, and a slew of other players to live alongside and band up with as you defend the globe from the current threats. Like most traditional MMOs, there are a series of major and secondary tasks that you can complete on your own as you meet NPCs and help reconstruct a post-apocalyptic society after a parasitic alien invasion. As you progress, you will encounter other actual gamers and request their assistance against the most formidable adversaries. Furthermore, you can see everyone else's homes and buildings while building your own, giving the survival game a true community sense.


Following a lengthy beta period, Palia's 1.0 version was published in early 2024. It's one of the few MMORPGs on this list that doesn't involve conflict; instead, you're tasked with creating as lovely an environment as possible while assisting your fellow villagers - truly good stuff. In this casual, pleasant community MMO, you can spend your time gardening, decorating the environment, and socializing with your peers. It is available for PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store, as well as the Nintendo Switch.

Lost Ark

The popular Korean MMO has finally arrived on Western shores, and we gave it a 9/10 in our Lost Ark review. At its core, it's a "superb dungeon crawler" in which you play as an adventurer seeking fortune in the land of Arkesia. Demons block your path to treasure, but you'll soon have access to crafting supplies, guilds, trinkets, and much more. If you're thinking about trying the game, we've got some tutorials to help you get started, including how to level up quickly in Lost Ark and what you need to know about Lost Ark gold and Lost Ark Mokoko seeds. There are excellent features for people interested in raiding, guilds, PvP, and co-op dungeons. If those sound appealing, it may be worth giving Lost Ark a go.

New World

New World is more of a sandbox survival game than a standard RPG. It does away with the conventional character creation of other fantasy MMOs; there are no other races but humans, and classes are replaced by attributes and skill systems that allow you to experiment with alternative character builds at your leisure. While you can wear burnished plate armor and perform spells with an elemental staff in New World, you can also wield a musket or blunderbuss - see our New World weapons tier list for more information.The newly discovered, unfriendly region of Aeternum is besieged by The Corrupted, a demonic horde that must be continually repelled by virtuous troops. You can work together to build and maintain towns, or you can venture out into the wilderness and face the otherworldly menace on your own. You can craft, quest, and explore over Aeternum, as well as engage in large-scale PvP battles as each New World faction's territory expands and encroaches on another. If you're just getting started, our New World beginners and leveling guides can help you find your feet.

World of Warcraft Classic

If you didn't expect to see World of Warcraft on our list twice, you're seriously underestimating Blizzard's massively popular MMO. Thousands of World of Warcraft veterans long for the charm and challenge of the original game, and the release of WoW Classic has fulfilled their every hope. WoW Classic, which is based on the pre-Cataclysm version of Azeroth, is home to both veterans and newcomers, who benefit from the sense of community that emerges when dungeon finders and quest markers are removed.

Access to the game is included with a normal World of Warcraft subscription. Even if you're familiar with the modern game, getting through the notoriously difficult WoW Classic leveling experience will require significant adjustment. While some dedicated fans may argue that spending hours on a WoW Classic dungeon, wiping out the final monster, and then returning to discover that he has despawned and cannot be called again is all part of the adventure, they most likely want you to suffer as they did. Instead, learn from their experiences and fully prepare yourself with our WoW Classic recommendations for new players. We also have instructions for the WoW Classic races and legendary weapons that may be obtained.

Destiny 2

.In Destiny 2, you play as a righteous and steadfast Guardian, defending humanity's last city from anyone or everything that seeks to destroy it. As with most action MMOs, you start by designing your Guardian and customizing their face, hair, and body to your liking. There are three classes to choose from: shield-bearing Titan, spell-slinging Warlock, and agile Hunter. Each class has distinct powers, as well as perks and upgrades to help you stand out from other Destiny 2 players in your class. Once you've chosen your character, you're free to explore the solar system and discover its secrets through intriguing missions that you may do alone or with companions. The valuable loot you can uncover on your travels is vital to improving your Guardian’s equipment, but Destiny 2’s story is where it truly shines.

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Ultimately, the deciding factor for the best MMORPGs on PC largely comes down to personal preference, so with that in mind, here’s our list of the top MMOs currently alive and kicking. You’re sure to find something that will swallow up entire days at a time, and many of these entries can also be considered some of the best PC games around. While there are plenty of recently updated and new MMOs to consider, the golden oldies on this list have withstood the test of time.

Albion Online

.If you're looking for an MMO where you can sit back, relax, do some crafting, and tend to your farm while sometimes fighting or hunting monsters, Albion Online isn't for you. It's PvP from the start, so you'll constantly need to be on watch. The entire treasure drop method can be a little aggravating, but Albion Online requires players to be tactical and patient. It's a lot of fun, and it takes intellectual power and perseverance to lead your guild in the correct direction, but it's equally rewarding and difficult.


Trove is an action-oriented MMO that has been compared to Minecraft and is one of the best building games available on PC. To begin, you must construct a base, or home away from home, from which you can craft a variety of creatures, weapons, and things. Once your home base is constructed, you can travel between worlds, plunder dungeons, and complete quests online with your friends or guildmates. Trove's dedicated community is always upgrading and delivering the greatest Trove mods, so there's always plenty to do.